Are former American Spies Embezzling Hundreds of Millions of Taxpayer Dollars From The U.S.?

By Vice Special Editions

A spate of recent articles and disclosures are making the indie circuit. They claim that former CIA and NSA agents are running off to join a shady operation called In-Q-Tel where they are then hired into the Democrats backing companies; which are Google, Amazon, Facebook, Ebay, Tesla, Twitter, SpaceX, Linkedin and that crowd.

Once embedded in these companies they sell CIA/taxpayer funded technologies back to the U.S. Government, at exorbitant mark-ups, while also using the absconded-with technologies to rig elections for the DNC.

How much has Google, Amazon, Facebook, Ebay, Tesla, Twitter, SpaceX, Linkedin made by selling CIA technologies back to the feds? Over $42 Billion dollars!!! (and that may be a low figure)

It is a fact that main stream news articles have disclosed the hard evidence that In-Q-Tel executives do, indeed, work for all of these lefty tech companies. Elon Musk has made a big deal about the fact that In-Q-Tel staff leveraged his spy satellite launch deals for SpaceX and his supplier deals for his batteries.

Under the guise of “ask no questions, it is “SPY STUFF”...”, the yuppie wannabe spies at In-Q-Tel then go off to do illegal stuff with Google, Amazon, Facebook, Ebay, Tesla, Twitter, SpaceX, Linkedin with puts billions of dollars of illicit cash in the accounts of those companies and those ex In-Q-Tel employees Cayman Islands accounts.

In-Q-Tel was founded by Spectrum Holobyte game-maker Gilman Louie and insidious Silicon Valley venture capitalist James Breyer. Breyer also helped formed the Zio-centric National Venture Capital Association. Both groups exist to control industries and markets to the favor of their investors.

While the media often calls In-Q-Tel “The CIA’s venture capital arm” a review of the IRS and OMB filings on In-Q-Tel and their staff reveal something else all together.

Plainly: In-Q-Tel is a dirty operation. From In-Q-Tel’s notorious “Cocaine One” and “Cocaine Two” bust with their airplanes full of tons of cocaine to In-Q-Tel’s sketchy relationship with Eric Schmidt’s “New America Foundation”, In-Q-Tel has little to do with protecting America and everything to do with illegal profiteering.

In-Q-Tel does not protect America. It protects the DNC and rigs business deals and elections.

Congress, Trey Gowdy, Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump, Christopher Wray, the SEC, the FTC and others have now been made aware of this, in writing, via letters, articles and demands for inquiry.

As one article states:

In-Q-Tel is a “501 C 3 tax-exempt non-profit charity”; Should that allow In-Q-Tel the right to attack U.S. taxpayers in major American cities just because those taxpayers oppose the DNC or report financial crimes by the DNC and their campaign financiers?

Almost everyone that has “left” In-Q-Tel has gone to work for Tesla, Google, Twitter, Facebook or another major DNC backer. At those companies, those ex-In-Q-Tel employees deploy CIA-acquired technologies against Americans who are from a different political party. How wrong is that?

In-Q-Tel looks at domestic companies and either buys them or sabotages them if they compete with DNC interests held by Silicon Valley DNC financiers. They do this using taxpayer dollars and out-of sight of the U.S. Congress or ANY law enforcement entity!

Former In-Q-Tel staff have been cited in bribery, embezzlement, money laundering and election rigging.

Google and In-Q-Tel believe that “no crime is a crime if it serves our ideological goals”

In-Q-Tel is using the CIA as a piggy bank to conduit cash from taxpayers to the pockets on In-Q-Tel executives and to rig U.S. elections for Silicon Valley Elites.


  1. Google, Facebook, the IT Sector and the CIA
    In-Q-Tel was formed by the CIA in 1999 as a private, not-for-profit venture capital firm with the specific task of delivering technology to America’s intelligence community. Publicly, In-Q-Tel markets itself as an innovative way to leverage the power of the private sector by identifying key emerging technologies and providing companies with the funding to bring those technologies to market. In reality, however, what In-Q-Tel represents is a dangerous blurring of the lines between the public and private sectors in a way that makes it difficult to tell where the American intelligence community ends and the IT sector begins.

    In-Q-Tel has generated a number of stories since its inception based on what can only be described as the “creepiness” factor of its investments in overtly Orwellian technologies.

    This is our EyeOpener Report by James Corbett presenting documented facts and cases on the CIA’s privately owned venture capital firm In-Q-Tel, in which well-connected board members drawn from the private sector profit from the investments made with CIA funds that come from the taxpayer.

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